Q. My 17-year-old granddaughter has a problem with smelly feet. My son uses strong medicine from a podiatrist, which is probably inappropriate for her. Any home remedies?
A. Readers of this column love to share their remedies for smelly feet. One woman reported that her boyfriend had good success rubbing a cut lemon on his feet.
An 89-year-old woman shared a remedy her aunt taught her when she was young. She soaked her feet in warm water to which tannic acid had been added. The same effect can be accomplished with tea soaks, since tea is high in tannic acid.
Other readers swear by an old Army trick: Urinate on your feet. One mom shared, “My 17-year-old daughter has very smelly feet and I convinced her to try the urine trick. IT WORKED! Her foot odor is completely gone!”
We havwe collected many other suggestions in our Guide to Smelly Feet.