People have come up with a lot of remedies for snoring. Years ago, we heard that people would sew tennis balls to the back of a pajama top. As a result, sleeping supine would be uncomfortable. Some snorers tried adhesive strips to hold the nostrils open. One reader found an innovative approach to stop snoring.
Can You Stop Snoring by Taking Up Singing?
Q. About three years ago, I regularly woke my wife with my snoring. She said I would also stop breathing during the night.
I read an article in the AARP newsletter that singing can stop snoring. I tried it. I sang for about 30 minutes a day. Result: I stopped snoring in about a week!
Now, if I don’t sing for six months or so, the snoring comes back. All I have to do is start singing again, and it subsides. The article said that singing strengthens the muscles in the throat. It also makes me feel better.
A. People who stop breathing in their sleep should see a doctor about possible sleep apnea. We love your solution to stop snoring, though! It sounds like a simple way to solve an otherwise tricky problem. Singing seems to reduce snoring and sleep apnea (Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, June 15, 2020). So does playing a wind instrument. However, unless you already have the instrument and some basic instruction in its use, singing is easier.
One Caution:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, make sure that you do your singing outside, away from other people. Infected people singing in a shared space can easily spread the SARS-2 coronavirus. Since you may not know you are infected until later, it would be better to sing al fresco.
- van der Weijden F et al, "The effect of playing a wind instrument or singing on risk of sleep apnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis." Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, June 15, 2020. DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.8628