A trip to the emergency room is stressful. The only reason you go is because of a health crisis. These days you almost have to be at death’s doorstep to make a trip to the ER. That’s because the waits can be interminable.
A few weeks ago we landed in the local emergency department of a major university hospital. Severe stomach pain and a fever turned out to be acute appendicitis. Although we arrived at 9:00 in the morning, the emergency surgery didn’t take place until 7:00 pm that evening. Ten hours in a little cubicle when you aren’t feeling well can seem like a very long time.
Actually, ten hours IS a long time! Some folks report even longer waits. We were admitted through the “fast track.” Imagine how long someone might have to wait if they were “only” dealing with bad sunburn or a severe headache.
When we left home we did not anticipate surgery or a stay in the hospital. Most people don’t think about staying overnight when they go to the local ER. But more than half of the people admitted to community hospitals for anything other than pregnancy come in through the emergency department.
Planning ahead can help prevent problems in the hospital. During a crisis it is hard to think straight. We were fortunate, though. We had reviewed a video several months ago: “Things You Should Know Before Entering the Hospital.”
Most important is having a patient advocate. When you are ill you cannot think clearly or ask tough questions. Your advocate can do that for you. When the surgical resident informed us that he would be doing the emergency appendectomy, we asked how many he had done. Then we asked to speak with the attending surgeon who would supervise. As a result, the more experienced attending surgeon did the operation.
The advocate also spoke with the anesthesiologist in detail about the patient’s previous experience with anesthesia. Consequently, lower doses and more thoughtful monitoring led to a much more rapid recovery from anesthesia.
The advocate was also paying attention to the hospital room post surgery. Half an hour after the patient was settled in, the name over the bed was still that of the previous patient. The advocate insisted that the name be corrected to prevent medication errors.
The Institute of Medicine reports that the average patient experiences at least one error every day he is hospitalized. The annual death toll from medical errors is estimated at up to 98,000 Americans.
Too often patients get the wrong drug or the wrong dose or incompatible medications. When you pick up your medicine at the local pharmacy you get far more information than you do when the nurse hands you a pill cup in the hospital. Your advocate can request details you may not be capable of evaluating.
Always take a detailed list of your medications and supplements with you whether you anticipate being hospitalized or you are going to the emergency department. This can help prevent drug interactions.
To learn how to prepare for a hospital stay, the DVD is available for $29.95 from www.PatientSafetyVideo.com.
You never know when you may need to hospitalized. Prepare ahead to prevent medical errors that could threaten your life.