April is almost over, and so is our spring sale. So if you’d like to take advantage of savings on body care products like MoM deodorant or Bed Soap, shop today.
Our People’s Pharmacy unscented MoM aluminum-free roll-on deodorant is in stock. This is our most popular product, and we have a hard time keeping it on the shelf. But we do want to give everyone a chance to order some. And, because it is spring, we are offering a discount.
Spring18 for Spring Savings:
For the entire month of April, 2018, enter the discount code Spring18 when you check out to get 18% off any of our body care products–deodorants, soaps or lip care. Stock up for the summer and let your friends know.
You may want to check out the reviews from our customers.
First, we have many people who like our unscented aluminum-free MoM roll-on deodorant, in the convenient travel size (2 ounces).
Pam in Texas says:
“I decided to try this product because I wanted a product without aluminum. I’m not a big sweater but if I forget to use my antiperspirant,!my underarms stink after a few hours. I’ve washed them in the sink at work a few times because I could smell myself!”
“With this product I don’t stink at all. In fact I think it works better than my antiperspirant does for odor. At first I thought it would dry white but I was using too much.
“I’m a believer now!”
Lynn in Indianopolis, IN, gave some to her granddaughter:
“It’s great. I have a granddaughter. Her odor was out of control. She cried to me that she was washing twice a day and was teased at school.
“I was so upset because I couldn’t believe she was using deodorant. The smell was that bad. I asked around and read about MOM. It’s been a year and we have no complaints. It works: no crying and no SMELL! Thanks for MOM. It’s GREAT!”
Here is the link for the unscented aluminum-free MoM roll-on deodorant (2 ounce size).
Mike in Cullman, AL, has this to say about the economy-size unscented roll-on MoM deodorant:
“I had severe irritation under my arms. This is the ONLY product that does NOT irritate me.”
Cynthia in California loves it:
“Absolutely love this product! I will never go back to commercial deodorants as long as this magnesium deodorant exists! It really works wonders in keeping odors under control, and it’s free from harmful chemicals.”
Here is the link for economy-size (3.38 ounces) aluminum-free MoM roll-on deodorant.
Somi in Portland, OR, thinks the MoM deodorant scented for women with the BEST natural deodorant out there:
“I’ve tried many natural deodorants but they’ve never worked for me. My friend and I decided to try this one. That was a year ago and I haven’t used anything else since. This is by far the best natural deodorant out there for me. The scent is very light, subtle and pleasant. I can apply this once in the morning during summertime and after an 8 mile afternoon bike ride, I’m still completely odor free! This stuff is amazing. My friend loves it too. I’m about to place my 3rd order.”
Nancy in Arkansas agrees it is an awesome product:
“I have tried almost all the products out there without aluminum, and they have all failed to both control the wetness and help me stay fresh. I ordered this, expecting it would be the same – but to my surprise, it really worked – and not just as first – it KEPT working! Kudos to whomever developed this awesome product!”
Use this link for the aluminum-free MoM roll-on deodorant scented for women.
Bruce in Atlanta, GA, has this to say about the MoM deodorant scented for men:
“This is a great product that I have used for a number of years.”
Here is the link for the aluminum-free MoM roll-on deodorant scented for men.
If you have ever used our aluminum-free MoM (milk of magnesia based) deodorant, you will want to take advantage of this opportunity to stock up. If you have never tried it, what are you waiting for? This is your golden opportunity.
Remember to use the discount code Spring18 to get your 18% discount!