Q. I listened to your public radio show and heard a man call in recommending soy sauce for burns. “How weird is that?” I thought. But then, as I took a loaf of bread out of the oven, the inner edge of my thumb and the fleshy pad underneath hit the metal rim of the pan. I expected a painful burn. Since I had nothing else at hand, I decided to try the soy sauce remedy.
The pain eased up in less than a minute, the soreness did not materialize and even the redness went away! It may be weird, but it certainly did work!
A. We wish we knew why this home remedy works, but we have heard from several people that it does, including an Army Ranger who told us that U.S. Special Forces medics also used soy sauce for combat-related burns.
7/2/18 redirected to: https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/soy-sauce-to-the-rescue-to-cool-a-burn/