Q. What can I use to help my dog with scratching? He scratches and bites at his leg all day. He has been to the vet and has even been on prednisone and antibiotics. Is there anything else I can do to give him some relief?
A. Many years ago we heard from a fellow whose vet had suggested a solution for doggie “hot spots:” Listerine, mineral oil and water in equal parts. After we wrote about this approach, we heard from another dog owner:
“This is the most fantastic solution I’ve read about in a long time! The minute my dogs start ‘worrying’ a spot, I get out my spray bottle, spray the area thoroughly, massage the solution into their skin and the problem stops immediately. No more hot spots that involve trips to the vet.”
Hot spots sometimes result from allergies, so it makes sense to work with the vet to minimize allergic exposures. Some owners who use this Listerine solution put a shield on the dog–for example, an Elizabethan collar–to keep it from licking at the spot for a while.