Q. I’ve had an odd experience. I’m 66 and in good health, but my eyesight has deteriorated. The ophthalmologist says it’s just due to my age.
When I take Lunesta to go to sleep, the next day my eyesight is crystal clear and needs no correction—just as if I were 18 again. Then, the following day if I don’t take the sleeping pill, my eyes are so blurry and out of focus I have a hard time even with my glasses.
I only take the Lunesta twice a week. Has anyone else reported this weird occurrence?
A. We have searched the official label information and the medical literature and could find no reference to beneficial effects of Lunesta on vision. Thank you for your fascinating report.
Have you considered the possibility that getting a good night’s sleep makes the difference? If others have noticed an improvement in vision linked to Lunesta, we invite them to report it to the Web site: www.peoplespharmacy.com.