Migraine headaches are often debilitating. There are prescription medications (“triptans”) that can be very effective in alleviating the pain of a migraine. They are often expensive, however, and they are usually recommended for occasional rather than frequent use.
People have sought out a variety of remedies that can help with headaches. In the case of a migraine, the earlier that a remedy is used, the more likely it is to be able to help.
Q. My daughter told me about a headache remedy she read about. I’ve had mild to moderate migraines for many years, but this remedy has worked for the last five. This is cheap, safe and easy.
Hold an ice bag on your temple or forehead and put your feet in hot water for a few minute. Within an hour or so the headache is gone! It is wonderful!
A. We’ve read about a lot of headache remedies but have never heard this one before. Applying a remedy at the first hint of a headache may make a difference in how well it works to relieve migraine headache pain.
Some people like to stop a migraine by eating ice cream (see demo by clicking on this link) or drinking ice water. Others prefer heat over cold and reach for hot, spicy soup.
You can learn about these and many other remedies in our Guide to Headaches and Migraines. Keep in mind that sometimes the best approach is preventive, either through medication or a change in diet or regimen.