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Sexy Seniors Looking for Vaginal Lubrication

People disagree about vaginal lubricants. Some prefer over-the-counter drugstore products while others love natural lubricants. What's your favorite?

Q. Contrary to the belief of younger people, we seniors still enjoy sex. However we are finding that it has become more difficult because of a lack of sufficient lubrication.

We are in excellent health and exercise regularly, biking, walking and swimming. Can you suggest some nonprescription products which would be safe to use as lubricants?

A. There are many over-the-counter vaginal lubricants on the market including Astroglide, K-Y, Lubrin, Maxilube, Replens and Surgel. Any of them should be reasonably effective.

Many people have their particular favorite lube. Here are some examples:

Corn Huskers Lotion

“We have been using Corn Huskers for years. It is water soluble (a bonus). There are no cleanup problems. It is easy to use and inexpensive. It is also a great hand lotion.” B. P.

“I want to thank the person who wrote to you about Corn Huskers lotion. After menopause, I started using a vaginal cream, but the Corn Huskers lotion is much better. It had never occurred to me to use a hand lotion for vaginal dryness, but it has been a big help.”


“My husband and I have used Albolene as a lubricant for 30 years! It is inexpensive and wonderfully effective.” Fran

Another reader is equally enthusiastic:

“Many years ago, my gynecologist told me to use Albolene.

“It is a mascara remover, but has nothing harmful in it. It melts on contact and leaves no residue or odor. A small dab lasts a very long time. (We have been using the same jar for ten years.)”

Not everyone likes the idea of using a moisturizer as a personal lubricant. Albolene contains mineral oil, petrolatum and paraffin, among other ingredients. That’s why natural remedies have become so popular.

Natural Approaches to Vaginal Dryness

Olive Oil

“We have been using olive oil for lubrication for some time now and it is great. It is better than any off the shelf lube that we have tried and it lasts a long time, unlike many of the other popular lubrications which tend to dry up after several minutes. The consistency is very close to the natural lubrication and as far as we know there are no side effects with using olive oil.” B.

Coconut Oil

“I’ve been using extra virgin coconut oil, which melts at body temperature and works well.” L.P.

“I also recommend extra virgin coconut oil. It’s a natural antifungal and antibacterial. I use it a a sexual lubricant but also use it as a moisturizer for my face and neck.” Stephanie


“My husband and I use coconut oil as lubricant. It is nice and slippery without being too thick or sticky. It also eventually absorbs into your skin and washes off much easier than conventional lubricants. All natural coconut oil is the way to go!” LGC

“I am a coconut oil convert! It’s great. For years, I used KY then tried Astroglide. The lubricating properties of both tend to disappear pretty quickly, especially Astroglide.

“It seemed weird at first to use a food oil, but it’s fantastic. It lasts and works much better than the pharmaceutical type lubricants. Loving my new sex life” A.S.

“I was introduced to coonut oil early this year and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! My husband is a happy man!” T.T.

Aloe Vera

“We have found that the slimy gel that oozes from aloe leaf when you break off a piece is a very good lubricant.”

“I have been using aloe vera gel for vaginal dryness on the recommendation of my urologist. It works for me and I wanted to share this with your readers.”

Sylk (Kiwi Vine Extract)

“I’ve been using a product from New Zealand named Sylk for over a year and find it does a great job lubricating and relieving pain associated with vaginal dryness during relations.”

“My mainstream but ‘thinking’ Dartmouth College oncological gyn suggested olive oil because of ‘stuff” in K-Y that was considered iffy. I tried olive oil, and it was okay. Not great on sheets though.

“We’ve really liked expensive Sylk found online and at a local health food store. It’s far better than K-Y and and very natural schmatural. A small amount goes a very long way, whereas we used lots of K-Y each time.” Susan

As you can see from the comments above, there is a great deal of diversity when it comes to the question of vaginal dryness and the best vaginal lubrication. In your experience, what works best and what causes problems?

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About the Author
Joe Graedon is a pharmacologist who has dedicated his career to making drug information understandable to consumers. His best-selling book, The People’s Pharmacy, was published in 1976 and led to a syndicated newspaper column, syndicated public radio show and web site. In 2006, Long Island University awarded him an honorary doctorate as “one of the country's leading drug experts for the consumer.”.
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