Q. My husband takes hydrochlorothiazide and lisinopril for high blood pressure. I suspect that these medicines are responsible for his dizziness and erectile dysfunction. His blood sugar is also up.
Could the medicine be responsible? Are there any natural remedies that might help lower blood pressure? I have heard that beet juice might be helpful.
A. Diuretics like hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) can cause dizziness and raise blood sugar. Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common side effect of both hypertension and the medicines used to treat it.
A low-sodium, high-vegetable diet (the DASH diet) has been shown to help control blood pressure. Drinking beet juice may also help.
For more details on natural approaches to lower blood pressure, including beet juice, the DASH diet and breath training, as well as information on various medications, we are sending you our Guide to Blood Pressure Treatment.