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Save 25% Off Recipes & Remedies

Boost your health with recipes & remedies you can put together easily in your very own kitchen.

Are you sick and tired of hearing that you should “eat healthy” without any indication how to do that? What the heck do we mean by healthy eating, anyway? You can find out easily in our book, Recipes & Remedies From The People’s Pharmacy.

Nutrition experts tell us to eat lots of fruits and vegetables but they never say specifically which ones are power-packed with nutrients (usually the ones with vibrant colors) and which ones might make your blood sugar go up (think potatoes, corn, carrots).

Guidance on Recipes & Remedies for a Healthier Life:

If you would like clear guidelines about the best foods to help manage blood sugar, fight cancer, lower cholesterol, ward off coughs and colds, deal with indigestion and prevent hypertension, then have we got a deal for you! We just received a new shipment of Recipes & Remedies from The People’s Pharmacy. This 174-page book is crammed with healthy and delicious recipes to help you make fabulous meals that are good for you! We are offering a special opportunity for loyal People’s Pharmacy fans. We have reduced the price by more than 25%. Instead of $14.95 it is now available for $11.25 (plus S&H).

In Recipes & Remedies, you will find:

Beet Juice Smoothie (page 34) to help lower your blood pressure.

Better tasting and healthier than any medicine.

Joe’s Brain Boosting Smoothie (page 105).

We can’t guarantee that it will make you smarter, but with its fish oil, berries, pomegranate juice, pasteurized egg whites, whey powder and flaxseed, we promise it is a great way to start the day. It is good for the brain and the prostate gland and it tastes great!

Curcumin milk for colds and coughs (page 60).

If you think you may be catching something, try curcumin milk. Ask anyone from India about this turmeric remedy/recipe and you are likely to get a smile. It is a match for Jewish penicillin (chicken soup). By the way, we have a great chicken soup recipe (from Joe’s mom Helen Graedon) on page 27 that you won’t want to miss.

Persimmon punch for heartburn (page 53).

The story behind persimmon punch is quite amazing. A woman was served this exotic beverage during a meal at a Korean restaurant. It stopped her indigestion almost like magic. She started making it at home and discovered that not only did it help her chronic heartburn problem, it also helped lower her cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Horseradish Crusted Salmon with Cranberry Catsup (page 127).

This recipe is a delicious and unusual way to enjoy the omega-3 rich fish that is so good for the heart, brain and joints. This recipe was provided by Dr. Mark Liponis, author of UltraLongevity. You will be amazed with the cranberry “catsup” which is easy, quick and tasty and does not involve tomatoes.

Would You Like More?

These are just a few of the mouthwatering and super healthy suggestions in Recipes and Remedies from The People’s Pharmacy. Take advantage of our special 25% sale for yourself or someone you love. Get your holiday shopping out of the way now by giving the gift of good health.
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About the Author
Terry Graedon, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and co-host of The People’s Pharmacy radio show, co-author of The People’s Pharmacy syndicated newspaper columns and numerous books, and co-founder of The People’s Pharmacy website. Terry taught in the Duke University School of Nursing and was an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology. She is a Fellow of the Society of Applied Anthropology. Terry is one of the country's leading authorities on the science behind folk remedies..
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