Q. I’ve suffered for years from excessively sweaty feet, resulting in a very bad foot odor problem. It was noticeable even with my shoes on my feet.
It didn’t matter how many times I changed socks or shoes throughout the day. None of the normal foot care products had any effect.
Out of desperation one day, I grabbed a bottle of Absorbine Jr. and rubbed it all over my feet. I had no problems with foot odor that day.
I now use it once a day. I apply it to my feet before I put on my socks. The odor is gone and my feet sweat very little. One bottle lasts a month.
A. Thanks for the suggestion. Absorbine Jr. has a long history as a liniment, going back more than a hundred years. It contains menthol and other herbal extracts, some of which have antimicrobial activity. The manufacturers state: “It also soothes hot, tired, itchy feet.”