Q. Several years ago a friend recommended a remedy for arthritis and tendinitis. It was raisins soaked in apple cider vinegar and honey INSTEAD of in gin. When I found that it worked I wrote you and you printed the letter.
Lately several people have written looking for alternatives to raisins in gin. I think it might be helpful to repeat the advice to substitute apple cider vinegar. That way more people would learn about a helpful approach for arthritis and still avoid liquor if they wished to. The “gin” routine seems to be widely known, but the alternative isn’t. Thank you for considering this.
A. Many people like the raisin remedy, but it’s not the only natural approach for easing arthritis pain. There are many other options in our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis. To make non-alcoholic raisins, pour two parts vinegar and one part honey over golden raisins and allow them to soak.