Q. I read about eating raisins before bed to reduce nighttime urination and I love this idea. It worked the first night I tried it. Instead of visiting the bathroom every hour all night long, I made half as many visits to the bathroom.
Last night I ate about a cup of raisins and the results were astounding. I got up only once in the middle of the night. I had no side effects either except a good night’s sleep!
A. We have not been able to find any scientific reason that this remedy would reduce nighttime urination. You’re not the only one to benefit, though. Another reader wrote: “I have noticed the same effect (sleeping through the night) for the last two years while taking gin-soaked raisins. I had assumed that the gin-soaked raisins lessened the aches and pains that usually woke me up when I turned over during sleep. I take my raisins each morning when I arise.”
Raisins are not for everyone. They are high in calories and sugar, so a cup of raisins could well be too much for some people.
12/24/18 redirected to: https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/will-raisins-help-you-sleep-more-soundly/