Q. My husband is very interested in the remedy with raisins in gin. He is really suffering with arthritis in both knees.
He takes ibuprofen or naproxen but neither helps that much. He has seen an orthopedic surgeon, but he’s not ready for knee replacement yet. Short of surgery, he is willing to try almost anything, including something silly like raisins and gin or Certo and grape juice. Can you send us the recipes?
Raisins in Gin:
A. We have heard from many people who have found the gin-raisin remedy helpful. One wrote:
“I have had both my hips replaced due to arthritis, and have been an avid golfer for over 40 years. I thought I was going to need one of my hips redone this spring due to all the pain that has come back. A few days before my spring golf trip to Nevada in mid-March, I started taking the gin and raisin remedy.
“I used Fleischmann’s Gin and dark raisins (I didn’t know about the golden raisins). I took 7 a day in the morning and 7 a day before going to bed.
“I have been pain free ever since. I was in agony before. My pain was gone in 48 hours from the first day I tried it.”
We can’t promise your husband will get the same results, but we are sending you our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis with the recipes for gin-raisins, Certo and grape juice, and other low-cost approaches to joint pain.
Certo and Grape Juice:
Many people find that using the plant pectin Certo in a glass of purple grape juice daily can be very helpful in alleviating joint pain. You’ll find instructions on this video.
Using remedies to keep moving, whether walking, biking or swimming, makes a lot of sense. Joints that don’t get regular activity tend to stiffen up and become even more painful. Hopefully the raisins in gin or an herbal medicine like boswellia or turmeric will provide him the relief he needs to stay mobile.