Q. I have arthritis in my hands and my back. I heard that gin-soaked raisins would help the pain.
Is that true, and if so, what is the recipe and the dose?
A. The only way to know if gin-soaked raisins will work for you is to try them. Individuals will respond in varied ways to home remedies.
In a shallow pan, barely cover golden raisins with gin. Let them sit until the gin has evaporated. Then eat 9 raisins a day. It may take a few weeks to see results. Here is one testimonial:
“I have had rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in my knees for years, and it was difficult to get up out of a chair or sofa. After one month on gin and golden raisins, I am completely free of knee pain, though it has not relieved my spinal stenosis.”
Nearly a year later, the same person reported, “I am still on the raisins and love them. Not only did gin-soaked raisins rid my knees of RA, but now the RA is also gone from my left shoulder. This is amazing, and my doctors are interested.”
We are sending you our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis with more details on using gin-soaked raisins and other home remedies to relieve joint pain.