Q. Recently you discussed black cohosh for hot flashes. I used it when I had that problem, but my liver enzymes became elevated and I needed further tests.
A. We have heard from other readers that black cohosh can sometimes affect the liver, so it is wise for women to have their liver enzymes monitored if they decide to take this herb for hot flashes. There have been cases of liver failure that have led to liver transplantation after the use of black cohosh (BMJ Case Reports, July 5, 2013).
Other natural options for easing hot flashes include Pycnogenol (Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Jan-Feb 2013), maca root (Maturitas, Nov., 2011) and rhapontic rhubarb, sold as Estrovera (Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Nov-Dec, 2008).
We discuss many ways to make hot flashes and other symptoms less disruptive in our Guide to Menopause.
11/5/18 redirected to: https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/is-chasteberry-a-natural-way-to-ease-hot-flashes/