College dormitories are breeding grounds for colds and other upper respiratory infections. The young people in them live in close quarters and are often sleep-deprived. But research suggests that probiotics may increase their resistance to these viruses. Almost 200 students living on campus at Framingham State University in Massachusetts were given either a powdered probiotic containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis BB12 or a look-alike placebo powder daily for 12 weeks. The volunteers also completed a daily survey. The investigators found that the students taking the probiotic still got colds, but their colds did not last as long. The symptoms were also less severe and less likely to keep them out of class. The study was funded by Chr. Hansen, the Danish manufacturer of the probiotic.
[British Journal of Nutrition, online Oct. 1, 2012]