Q. I have recently read that there are health benefits of drinking several ounces of pomegranate juice daily. I can’t find where I read this and would appreciate knowing what your research on pomegranate juice reveals.
A. Pomegranate juice is not exactly a staple in most kitchens, but it does offer cardiovascular health benefits. In an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (May, 2000), Israeli scientists report that pomegranate juice can help prevent the development of plaque in the arteries.
It makes bad LDL cholesterol more resistant to oxidation. This is an important step in the development of heart disease, so pomegranate juice may be partially protective.
In mice bred to be especially susceptible to plaque formation in their arteries, pomegranate juice reduced atherosclerotic buildup by 44 percent. There is also data to suggest that this juice can reduce the risk of blood clots.
Q. I need advice on nail fungus and smelly feet. Last winter I wore a pair of waterproof boots almost every day. Unfortunately, they made my feet sweat. Even after I stopped wearing the boots my feet have continued to sweat. When I take off my shoes, my husband makes sarcastic remarks about the smell.
Is there anything I can do to stop the sweating and the smell? I also have fungus on my big toenails. My doctor says they aren’t worth treating since the medicine is expensive and the problem is only cosmetic. But I like to wear sandals and am self-conscious about my ugly nails. A friend thought you mentioned Vicks VapoRub rub for fungus, but wasn’t sure.
A. Foot soaks are a good way to help control sweating and food odor. People have had success with tea, vinegar, baking soda or Epsom salts dissolved in warm water. Others prefer to take zinc pills or drink green tea.
Some of these approaches, especially soaking the feet in a vinegar solution, may also be helpful for nail fungus. We have heard from many people who’ve had good luck with Vicks VapoRub. They smear it on and around the nail twice a day, and often report it makes a difference within a few months.
We are sending you our Guides to Unique Uses for Vicks and Solutions for Smelly Feet for more details on these home remedies. Anyone who would like a copy, please send $2 in check or money order with a long (no. 10) stamped, self-addressed envelope: Graedons’ People’s Pharmacy, No. FVi-26, P. O. Box 52027, Durham, NC 27717-2027.
Q. My brother-in-law is addicted to hot peppers. He loves salsa and puts Tabasco on everything. I can’t figure out how he avoids heartburn. Spicy foods give me indigestion, but he maintains hot peppers are good for the stomach. How could that be?
A. Your brother-in-law actually has some science on his side. Italian researchers wrote a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine (March 21, 2002) reporting that red pepper powder in capsules reduced stomachache, fullness and nausea by 60 percent. In comparison, a look-alike placebo reduced these symptoms by half as much.
The ingredient in hot peppers that is thought to work this magic is capsaicin. It is used in arthritis remedies and other creams to relieve pain. Rat studies have shown that capsaicin reduces stomach damage caused by aspirin or alcohol.