I am a pharmacist with 40 years of practice. I am very disturbed about the generic drugs that are coming into this country from who knows where. Unfortunately, we have little choice in choosing a generic or a brand name. This is dictated by the insurance company.
When your prescription is filled an electronic claim is sent to your insurance company. The drug is indentified by its national drug code (NDC) and if the insurance company does not like the drug that is submitted, they immediately reject the claim. The insurance company is the gate-keeper through their rejection process.
The FDA considers the country of origin to be confidential information. In many cases I cannot even tell where the drug was manufactured to advise patients. I find this outrageous. Every consumer has a right to know where his drugs are made. We need a consumer uprising over this. Contact your representative and make him aware of this travesty.
Jan 23, 2011