Q. I have a hiatal hernia and terrible problems with acid reflux. I usually take Nexium in the morning, ranitidine before dinner and I use sucralfate as an emergency if the acid reflux breaks through all that. Now I am down to Nexium only and I am planning to phase it out soon since I started using the persimmon punch I read about here.
I used fresh persimmons but I will find dried persimmons soon and keep them on hand. I mix the recommended amount of ingredients in the recipe using fresh persimmons and I leave the persimmons in the container. It takes me about 1 week to use the entire recipe. I drink about 3 or 4 ounces cold three times a day and before bedtime.
I mix the morning dose with “Clear & Natural Metamucil.” One time I overate at dinner and the hiatal hernia trouble kicked in and I threw up. This was purely due to the overeating binge!
I took a sample of the persimmon punch to my doctor and he really liked it. He said he is going to give the recipe to his mother and if it works as well for her as it does for me then he will start giving the recipe to his patients. One more thing: I can now eat what I want, even chocolate, coffee, bananas, orange juice and coffee!
One morning I had a bacon & egg breakfast with buttered toast, orange juice and coffee. Not a hint of a problem! Yeah!
A. The persimmon punch or persimmon tea you refer to also contains ginger, and we suspect that contributes to its power. We are certainly pleased that it is working so well for you.
There are many other natural approaches to ease acid reflux, from eating a half-dozen almonds after a meal to taking a few bites of banana, chewing sugarless gum or sipping a solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). You can learn about all of these, along with fennel, broccoli and more (as well as get recipes for digestive tea, persimmon punch and ginger pickle) in our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies.