Q. I have suffered from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for months. I read that Archway Coconut Macaroon cookies might help and looked for them with no success. When I heard they were no longer available, I came up with an alternative.
I make up instant vanilla pudding (using ½ skim milk and ½ yogurt). Mix for two minutes and throw dried coconut. It is good and so simple.
I also take two enteric-coated peppermint capsules a day. Between the peppermint and the coconut my digestive woes are gone. This formula also works for an elderly neighbor who needed diapers before I came up with this solution.
A. Thanks for sharing your success. Data suggest that enteric-release peppermint pills can ease symptoms of IBS (Digestive Diseases and Sciences, online, June 9, 2009). There are no studies on coconut, but many readers tell us it helps control diarrhea.