Q. Before I was put on levothyroxine for underactive thyroid I was irritated by even the smallest things. I felt so tired and depressed that I was always crying. I couldn’t sleep or lose any weight and I always felt cold.
When I started on levothyroxine (150 mcg), I felt more like my normal self than I had in a long time. My doctor lowered the dose and my symptoms have gotten worse again. The doctor says the blood test is OK, but I still feel bad.
What do the tests mean? How can I overcome the lethargy and depression?
A. Depression, fatigue and feeling cold can be symptoms of inadequate thyroid hormone. So is trouble losing weight.
Getting the dose of levothyroxine (T4) right can be tricky. Some people do better with a combination of T4 (Levothroid, Levoxyl, Synthroid) and T3 (Cytomel). We are sending you our Guide to Thyroid Hormones with details on interpreting test results and using natural treatments such as Armour Thyroid. You can also read more stories about Armour here and here.