Q. I read your column about blackstrap molasses for hemorrhoids about three weeks ago. I too had huge painful, bleeding hemorrhoids that weren’t responding to Proctosol, sitz baths or ice. I was in a dreadful place, taking pain pills every day.
I bought some blackstrap molasses. Even though I was somewhat skeptical, I was willing to give almost anything a try. I faithfully took a teaspoon twice a day. Lo and behold, within a WEEK I had diminished hemorrhoids and pain and within two weeks my hemorrhoids had all but disappeared.
I am amazed and thrilled. I was not really expecting this method to work so well. I continue to take the blackstrap molasses every day but I have lowered the amount to 1 teaspoon a day. I will stop taking the molasses, but I am not sure when. Thanks so much for writing about it. I never would have known about this treatment and would have ended up with surgery, which I desperately didn’t want. What a miraculous cure, and for me, the timing was phenomenal.
A. We continue to be astonished that people find blackstrap molasses eases their hemorrhoids. It might be coincidence, but if it works, this is a low-cost, low-risk remedy. People who must avoid sugar, however, should be cautious since molasses is a byproduct of sugar manufacturing.