Q. I keep reading how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. I seldom get four hours at night and feel tired during the day. Sleeping pills leave me too groggy to function. Please send me some information on what I can do to promote better sleep.
A. Sleep experts often suggest a hot bath an hour before bedtime. As you cool down, your body gets the message to go to sleep. A small high-carb snack before bed may also help.
Many readers report that a magnesium supplement or melatonin can be beneficial. Sedating herbs include valerian, lemon balm, passionflower, catnip and hops.
We are sending you our Guide to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep with details about these and other approaches.
A short-acting prescription sleeping pill called zaleplon (Sonata) may not leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Ask your doctor if it would be appropriate.