Q. I was sitting in church on Sunday right next to someone who was sniffling and sneezing. It was not possible to move without creating disruption.
Even though I washed my hands as soon as I got home I am afraid I may be coming down with her cold. Are there any natural treatments I can use?
A. There are quite a few treatments for colds that can help ease symptoms or speed their disappearance. One of our favorites, supported by research (Chest, Oct., 2000), is chicken soup. We have also found ginger tea helpful.
There is evidence that Andrographis, astragalus, elderberry, garlic and zinc may each be beneficial, while scientists have found that conventional cough medicines don’t work as well as honey for children (Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Dec., 2007).
The Guide to Colds, Coughs & the Flu that we are sending you has details on all these treatments and many more. Each cold is different, so you may need to experiment to find the best remedy. For a nighttime cough, we favor Vicks on the soles of the feet.