Q. I would like to know if there are any herbs used for penis enlargement. I am interested in natural approaches to growing body hair and improving potency.
A. Despite extravagant claims that pills can increase penis size, the FDA has not approved any product for this purpose. Urologists we have consulted tell us that there is nothing you could take that would noticeably change your anatomy.
Environmental contamination with estrogen-like compounds may be affecting penis size in babies. Phthalates are used in certain plastics to make them more flexible. A recent study found that among baby boys, those with the highest levels of phthalates in their bodies had the smallest genitals.
We don’t know of a safe way to increase body hair growth. There are a couple of herbs shown to be helpful in treating impotence. One is yohimbe, which comes from the bark of an African tree. The other is horny goat weed (Epimedium brevicornum), a Chinese herb. Italian researchers have found that this natural product has Viagra-like activity (Journal of Natural Products, Sept. 2008).