Q. A while back you had a column on pomegranate juice helping reduce cholesterol. I had been struggling to reduce my LDL cholesterol for several years. I tried the pomegranate juice and my LDL dropped significantly and is now at a good level.
The only negative is that my HDL cholesterol also dropped and my triglycerides did not drop at all. Do you have any suggestions for reducing triglycerides and raising HDL?
A. The best way to lower triglycerides is to reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates such as crackers, cookies, bread, pasta and white rice. Add fish oil to your regimen. One to two grams should help lower triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol.
Ask your doctor whether niacin might also be beneficial. It too can raise good HDL levels. There is more information in our Guide to Cholesterol Control and Heart Health.