Q. While doing military service in a tropical paradise for two years, I contracted a fungal foot and nail infection. (My feet were always wet.) No medication was effective.
When I returned to the States, my grandmother learned of my problem and told me she could recommend one of two possible solutions: 1. Amputate my feet, or 2. Soak them in vinegar and Epsom salts.
After a few seconds of consideration, I agreed to try Nana’s solution number 2. It requires a pan in which both feet will fit, enough water in the pan to cover the feet, two cups of white vinegar and one cup of Epsom salts. Put the feet into the bath and watch TV or read a good book while they soak. Repeat this every few days until the fungus clears. (It took almost a month.) I still use this treatment if my feet start feeling itchy.
The only side effect was that I became addicted to watching Jeopardy! while soaking my feet. Alas, I have learned there is no 12-step program for me.
A. Many readers mix old-fashioned amber Listerine with white vinegar to make a foot soak to treat nail fungus. Others have used an Epsom salt solution to rid themselves of athlete’s foot. This is the first time we’ve heard of mixing vinegar with Epsom salts for a foot soak. Thanks for sharing your Nana’s recipe.