Q. I had my thyroid removed due to cancer more than a decade ago. Since then I have been on Synthroid. The past few years I was switched to Levoxyl.
My doctor has lowered my dosage twice in the last six months. Since then I have noticed the following changes: from reduced libido to NO libido, elevated cholesterol, fatigue and brittle nails splitting down the middle. I’ve lost the outer third of my eyebrows. Is there any way to reverse these symptoms?
A. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms immediately. They suggest you may be getting too little thyroid hormone. Perhaps the dose of your medicine was lowered too much. Other readers report that when they are switched from one thyroid formulation to another the dose must be adjusted carefully.
We are sending you our Guide to Thyroid Hormones, with discussions of diagnostic difficulties and tests as well as various thyroid hormones.