Q. While my friends yack about constipation, I’ve been suffering the reverse for the past several months. I don’t know why, but it is ruining my life. I’m supposed to go to England in June and I am dreading it. Imodium AD is now my best friend. I don’t like to take it, but I must if I’m going out at all.
I’ve had ultrasound and an upper GI scan, and my doctor can find nothing wrong. Is there anything you can suggest? I am desperate for relief.
A. If your doctor had found the underlying cause of your trouble, it would make sense to address that. Otherwise, we can only suggest symptomatic treatment like Imodium AD.
There are two natural products that may help this problem. One reader of this column has found that pomegranate juice can control chronic diarrhea. Many others have had success with coconut.
We recently received this extraordinary testimonial: “I want to thank you for the remedy that has changed my life! I have severe ulcerative colitis. For 14 years, I had 30 loose, bloody bowel movements a day along with unbearable cramps.
“Six months ago I started eating two Archway Coconut Macaroon cookies with breakfast. I now have just three bowel movements a day. The stools are solid with no bleeding and I have virtually no cramps at all.
“As a 43-year-old fitness nut engaged in weight training, I am in great shape and feel better than I did 20 years ago. I still take maintenance medicine to be safe, but the cookies made all the difference.”