Q. My 86-year-old sister takes amitriptyline. I worry that this drug could be affecting her balance. She uses a cane and always seems unsteady on her feet. She has fallen many times. Is amitriptyline safe for someone her age?
A. This antidepressant is generally considered inappropriate for older people. Although it is sometimes prescribed to ease nerve pain or help people sleep, amitriptyline can cause mental confusion, lack of coordination, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation.
There is a list of drugs that should normally not be prescribed to older people and amitriptyline is a prime example. We are sending you our Guide to Drugs and Older People with this list and a discussion of how to avoid falls and fractures.
A fall that results in a fracture could be life threatening. Your sister’s doctor should reevaluate this prescription.