Q. I am a 63-year-old female who always had perfect blood pressure. Suddenly I’ve developed hypertension. My doctor wants me to start on lisinopril, but I fear side effects. What are some natural remedies for high blood pressure?
A. You should not fear lisinopril or similar blood pressure medications such as benazepril, enalapril or ramipril. These medications are highly effective and most people do well on them. Side effects to be aware of include rash, digestive upset or headache. If you developed a bad cough, you and your doctor would need to use a different way to control blood pressure.
We are sending you our Guide to Blood Pressure Treatment with information about many other medications plus non-drug approaches. You will find details about alternatives such as the DASH diet, pomegranate, beet and grape juice, celery, kefir, dark chocolate and deep breathing exercises.