Q. I feel like crying for joy when yesterday I was just ready to cry. After battling lice for weeks I was almost ready to take a razor to the long brown locks that have taken me three years to grow.
Thank goodness I found the Listerine and vinegar treatment for lice. It really worked.
I soaked my hair in Listerine and covered it with a shower cap for more than an hour. After washing it out, I rinsed with vinegar and had no trouble combing out the nits. I will be treating my hair at least once a month for the rest of my life just to keep these creepy crawlers away.
A. The alcohol together with the herbal oils in Listerine is probably responsible for killing the lice. Vinegar loosens the glue that holds nits (louse eggs) to the hair shaft. You can learn more about this approach at www.PeoplesPharmacy.com.