Cinnamon has a reputation for controlling blood sugar. But there is a tremendous amount of confusion about the safety of this spice. For example, is cassia cinnamon (Chinese cinnamon) worse than Ceylon cinnamon? We’ve written about that before and you can find out more about it here. What about the contaminant called coumarin that is naturally occurring in some cinnamons? Then there is the problem this reader encountered with a local reaction:
Q. I saw my doctor about a horrible allergic reaction in my mouth due to taking high-dose cinnamon capsules with chromium. Please let your readers know that they may run into grief trying something natural to control blood sugar.
My pharmacist had never seen this problem, but mixed up a special mouthwash with Benadryl, lidocaine and Maalox to soothe the blisters covering my tongue and cheek lining. This is a holy terror of pain, but swishing the mouthwash around three times a day helps numb it.
A. Some people are super sensitive to cinnamon. We have heard from readers who developed a skin rash from taking cinnamon capsules. Other people have reported mouth irritation from using cinnamon-flavored toothpaste, chewing gum, candy, lip balm, mouthwash or even after eating cinnamon toast. (Dermatitis, May-June, 2015).
Cinnamon and Diabetes:
Some people report benefits from cinnamon, but there are a lot of cautions and questions. For one thing, the coumarin problem is not insignificant. For another, which spice should people use? Here are some reports from readers:
Sherrill in Statesville, NC:
“I began sprinkling cinnamon on some of my food almost every day about three years ago. I have never had diabetes, but my blood sugar and triglycerides were climbing slowly. Since taking the cinnamon, my blood sugar and triglycerides went down to less than 100, and my total cholesterol went along for the ride.”
Genie in Chapel Hill:
“Cinnamon and type 2 diabetes: I filtered a teaspoon of regular cassia cinnamon as I poured water into my French press coffee maker for over a year with no apparent benefit. I recently ordered Ceylon cinnamon and am now put a heaping teaspoon directly into my coffee. Wow, the numbers went down.”
“I have been using cinnamon in capsules for a while. I always take one or two before a carby meal, like Italian or pizza. Helps keep me in the normal range.
“I use two kinds of cinnamon. Cinnamon capsules, like good quality from a spice shop. NatureMade.
“Then I use the more costly one called Cinnulin— it is water-extract cinnamon. It is not supposed to have a blood-thinner-effect.
“I take the more expensive water-extract version before those meals containing large quick sugar raisers, like pizza, pie, pasta, potatoes, etc.
“Taking cinnamon has brought my fasting sugars down about ten to fifteen points, or in low to mid 90’s. If I use too much cinnamon, I begin to itch, all over.”
Other Strategies for Controlling Blood Sugar:
>Anyone who would like to learn more about cinnamon as well as other ways to help control blood sugar may find our Guide to Managing Diabetes of value. Even people who do not have diabetes may discover that keeping blood sugar spikes under control is beneficial.