In previous studies, tart cherries or Montmorency cherry juice improved performance and helped marathon runners recover faster (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, online May 11, 2015; Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, Dec., 2010). The juice from Montmorency cherries is rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins that have antioxidant activity. It reduces muscle damage resulting from strength training (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Aug., 2011). A small study suggested that powdered cherries also reduce muscle soreness after a session of intense resistance training (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, online Nov. 16, 2015).
Powdered Cherries for Half-Marathoners:
Now a new double-blind, placebo-controlled study from the Texas A&M University has found that powdered cherries lowered inflammatory markers in 27 trained athletes who ran a half marathon.
The runners (18 men and 9 women) were given 480 mg of powdered Montmorency cherries or a look-alike placebo powder for seven days before the race, the day of the race and two days after. After the race, those who had received the cherry powder experienced less soreness and also had lower levels of physiological indicators of stress. These included muscle breakdown products such as creatinine and stress hormones such as cortisol.
The runners who had taken tart cherry powder ran 13 percent faster and stayed closer to their predicted race pace. The scientists suggest that powdered cherries may be reducing muscle damage and alleviating inflammation. The cherry supplement could also diminish stress on the immune system.
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, online, May 26, 2016
The investigators used a brand of cherry powder called CherryPURE® from Shoreline Fruit in the cherry-growing region of Traverse City, Michigan. We don’t know if other brands would work as well, but suspect that they might.
Other Benefits from Montmorency Cherries:
In addition to numerous studies showing that Montmorency cherries speed recovery from exercise (Nutrients, Feb. 21, 2014; Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, April, 2015), scientists report that cherries can lower blood pressure for men with early hypertension (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June, 2016). Tart cherry juice also boosts melatonin levels and may help people get better sleep (European Journal of Nutrition, Dec., 2012).
Cherries are one of the favorite foods we discuss in our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies. Why not enjoy some when they are in season?