New cholesterol guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association came out in 2013. They stirred up quite a controversy in medical circles. Many cardiologists were shocked that specific LDL cholesterol targets were abandoned because there was no scientific evidence to support levels below 100 for everybody.
New Guidelines Restore LDL Targets
But this week new guidelines for treating high cholesterol are being unveiled at the Annual Cardiovascular Symposium Cardiology Update. The LDL target of 70 has reappeared and 12 million more Americans could be prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs to reach that goal.
This about-face will probably put both physicians and patients in a quandary. Which guidelines should they be following to prevent heart disease?
We suspect that the 2013 guidelines have more scientific evidence to back them up. If you are interested in learning more about cholesterol, you may want to read our Guide to Cholesterol Control and Heart Health.
12/7/17 redirected to https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/how-can-you-lower-your-ldl-cholesterol-with-snacks/