Acupuncture has a long history. in traditional Chinese medicine, but many Western health practitioners are skeptical of its benefits. Without a mechanism they understand, they just can’t imagine how could acupuncture work. Studies now offer some enlightenment, both on its efficacy and on a possible explanation of how it works.
Soothing Sciatica with Acupuncture:
Sciatica resulting from a herniated disc is an excruciating condition that can be quite disabling. Some people cycle through numerous treatments before they find any relief. A new randomized double-blind study from China shows that acupuncture can be effective (JAMA Internal Medicine, Oct. 14, 2024).
Investigators recruited more than 200 individuals with chronic sciatica and assigned them to 10 sessions of acupuncture or sham acupuncture during a month. At the beginning of the study and periodically for a year, participants rated their pain and disability. Those who got actual acupuncture had significantly better pain relief and less disability, starting by the second week. This benefit lasted for at least a year, with no serious adverse events reported.
Now we know that acupuncture works. Scientists have long wondered: just how does acupuncture work? An international research team with more than 40 members has evidence that a neurological mechanism may be key (Stem Cells, May 2017).
What Did the Scientists Do?
In the earliest studies, the test subjects were horses. Then the investigators turned to rodents and people to clarify the effects of electroacupuncture. The stimulus reaches the brain, which in turn releases stem cells that can repair damage.
Electroacupuncture stimulation at certain specific points triggered parts of the brain that are involved with the immune system as well as the nervous system. The electroacupuncture treatment also raised the subjects’ pain threshold and increased their production of tendon-repairing collagen.
Electroacupuncture Research Shows How Does All Acupuncture Work:
The investigators anticipate that understanding the effects of electroacupuncture in this way will facilitate the use of acupuncture in both human and veterinary medicine.
Learn More:
We discussed the use of acupuncture for a variety of conditions in Show 1042: How Acupuncture Can Help You Overcome Health Challenges. You may wish to listen.
- Tu J-F et al, "Acupuncture vs sham acupuncture for chronic sciatica from herniated disk: A randomized clinical trial." JAMA Internal Medicine, Oct. 14, 2024. DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.5463
- Salazar TE et al, "Electroacupuncture promotes central nervous system-dependent release of mesenchymal stem cells."