Q. I’ve been suffering from nail fungus for years. My doctor prescribed pills, which worked for a while but the fungus came back. My feet look atrocious and I am embarrassed to wear sandals. Do you have any natural approaches that won’t damage my liver like the pills could?
A. One of our favorites involves soaking your toes in Listerine and vinegar. Here is a recent success story: “I was desperate to cure toenail fungus that I acquired five years ago. It was getting painful even to walk because the nail was curling inward, not to mention it was ugly!
“After two months using the remedy from The People’s Pharmacy, my nail is growing in a beautiful whitish pink. The ugly yellow/blue/black thick nail is only at the very tip of the nail now (when it was all the way to the cuticle before).
“I soaked my toes every night in vinegar and Listerine. I also rubbed Vicks into the nail bed and underneath the nail about twice a week. It’s exciting to see the progress!”
We are sending you our Guide to Hair and Nail Care, with more details on many home remedies to treat nail fungus.