Q. I read in your newsletter that a study confirms that blood pressure readings at home are more reliable than those in the doctor’s office. I’ve been through this and can tell you why.
Once diagnosed with hypertension, every trip to the doctor’s office is like being called in to the boss to be told whether you will be promoted or terminated. I have more dread of a blood pressure reading than going to my retinal specialist.
My BP can be 150/85 at the doctor’s office; it is 112/60 at home.
A. The research was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine (June 21, 2011). Over the course of 18 months, more than 400 veterans had their blood pressure monitored at home, in a research setting and in the clinic. Clinic readings were highest. Home blood pressure readings are a more accurate reflection of fluctuating blood pressure and should be shared with the doctor.
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on 1/23/2017