Q. I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Is there a home remedy I can take to ease the discomfort? I currently use Nexium every day.
I drink a lot of water and try to stay regular, but I am always uncomfortable. I am at my wit’s end. HELP!
A. Research from Germany suggests you may want to try enteric-coated peppermint oil. The investigator reviewed 16 clinical trials of peppermint oil for treating the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Two-thirds of the placebo-controlled trials showed that peppermint oil worked twice as well as placebo in easing symptoms (Phytomedicine, Aug. 2, 2005). There were side effects: peppermint oil can cause heartburn and rectal burning. But overall it seemed the enteric-coated capsules improved quality of life for people with IBS. One brand-name product, Pepogest, can be bought online.