Q. I am an avid gardener. I love digging in the earth and even find weeding enjoyable. My flowers and vegetables are looking fabulous, but my hands are a mess.
What is it about digging around in the dirt that dries hands out? I hate wearing gloves when I garden but I would love to know how to protect my hands.
A. We asked one of the country’s leading cosmaceutical dermatologists about the drying impact of dirt. Here is his answer:
“There is nothing irritating about “dirt” per se. Depending on its moisture, mineral content and particle size it could be abrasive. Generally, people working in dirt like gardeners or an industrial setting are washing their hands a lot with strong and sometimes abrasive cleansers, which have a drying effect. They are also coming in contact with other irritants depending on the specific activity. It is very much an individual situation and not just dirt.”
We’re not sure he is totally correct. Our hands also dry out when we spend a lot of time digging in dirt. It certainly is true that when you wash your hands a lot after planting or weeding you will also dry out your hands. Regardless of the cause, what can you do?
Short of wearing gloves, which lots of gardeners do not enjoy, your best bet is an affordable and effective moisturizer. You may wish to consider Udderly Smooth Extra Care Cream with Urea for really dry hands. Full disclosure: Redex Industries, makers of Udderly Smooth products underwrites our radio show. That said, we think their products are terrific for dry skin and they are really affordable. Here is a link to Udderly Smooth.
Farmers have been using Udderly Smooth Udder Cream for decades and have learned that it works for their own dry skin…not just for cows udders. That’s why we are pleased to have Udderly Smooth as an underwriter for our show. The urea addition is a terrific plus to an already excellent product.