Q. My doctor prescribed 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly because a blood test showed I am deficient. This pill gives me heartburn, and it seems like a big dose. Is there any reason I can’t take a smaller dose every day?
A. Doctors usually figure that the fewer pills you have to take, the more likely you are to get them down. But there is no reason you couldn’t take vitamin D on a daily basis.
Since you are deficient, you’ll need to be conscientious about taking your pill. A British study has shown that low vitamin D is associated with higher mortality and a greater chance of lung, heart or bone problems in the future (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nov., 2014).
There are details about blood tests, dosing and the benefits and side effects of this nutrient in the Guide to Vitamin D Deficiency we are sending you. There has been confusion regarding the appropriate dose of vitamin D, but we think that the current recommended levels are too low. You may wish to listen to Dr. Tieranoa Low Dog discuss vitamin D benefits and dosing.
Since you are planning to take your vitamin D daily, you will want to choose vitamin D3. Although vitamin D2 (the type of vitamin D in the pill your doctor prescribed) can restore vitamin D levels, vitamin D3 is thought to be more easily absorbed and utilized.
We are concerned about a report that people taking vitamin D2 supplements might experience more muscle damage after exercise. You are not the only person to find that the large weekly dose of vitamin D could cause digestive distress.