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Tune In for Healthy Listening at The People’s Pharmacy Radio Show

Listening to The People's Pharmacy radio show will give you valuable tips on how to stay healthy.

We invite you to tune in to our award-winning radio show. It is heard by more than 250,000 other listeners on over 200 radio stations around the country. These are listener-supported stations, and we urge you to pledge your support to your local station at fund-raising time. That is how public radio stays healthy.

Hear How You Can Take Control of Your Health:

Each week you can hear the latest expert opinions on cutting edge medical research and get real news you can use to take control of your own health. From time to time, we offer listeners the opportunity to call in their questions or observations during the broadcast. That way our experts guests–or intrepid hosts, Joe & Terry–can respond directly.

The People’s Pharmacy is your source for audible health information. You’ll learn about breaking news on drugs and the top health headlines of the week. You can also learn about effective alternative therapies, including using herbs and home remedies for common ailments. We are here to help you become your own best health advocate.

Recent shows include:

Are Miracle Cures Hiding in Plain Sight? Unlocking the Lifesaving Potential of Old Drugs

Why Are Patients Using Magic Mushrooms for Cluster Headaches?

Protecting Children from the Perils of Plastic

Breaking the Cycle of Food Cravings

Gut Check–How Digestive Health Influences Everything

How to Get the Sleep You Need

Why Overcoming Loneliness Is Crucial for Your Health

Avoiding Lyme and Other Tick-Borne Diseases

There are also shows about health controversies, such as:

Exposing Blind Spots: Unmasking the Myths of Modern Medicine

The Surprising Secrets of Sunlight’s Health Benefits

Viruses, Vaccines and Alzheimer Disease

Mending Mistrust–Can We Rebuild Faith in Medicine?

Are We Medicating Normal Emotions?

How Well Does the FDA Monitor Drug Quality?

Don’t miss shows on alternative approaches such as

Home Remedies That Work

How Hypnosis Can Help Your Health

Dreams That Help People Find Hope and Meaning at Life’s End

The Healing Power of Pets

Rediscovering the Power of Medicinal Herbs

Each of these shows features a top expert (or several) offering a nontraditional perspective on common health complaints.

You can find a list of public radio stations that carry The People’s Pharmacy here. If your local public radio station doesn’t broadcast our show, let your program director know that you’d like to be able to listen to our radio show. But if you can’t, or you just missed an episode, that doesn’t mean you have to go without.

Listen to the Podcast:

You can download a podcast (a digital copy) of our most recent shows, and never miss another episode. When you subscribe to our podcast, episodes will be automatically downloaded to your computer or smartphone. You can find The People’s Pharmacy podcast among the Apple offerings. Click here to navigate there directly.

You can also find us at Apple podcasts or stream episodes directly from the show page on this website.

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About the Author
Terry Graedon, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and co-host of The People’s Pharmacy radio show, co-author of The People’s Pharmacy syndicated newspaper columns and numerous books, and co-founder of The People’s Pharmacy website. Terry taught in the Duke University School of Nursing and was an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology. She is a Fellow of the Society of Applied Anthropology. Terry is one of the country's leading authorities on the science behind folk remedies..
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