Q. My husband had serious heartburn and suffered for years. After we read about H. pylori, he went to the gastroenterologist and was tested for this infection. Since he had it, the doctor prescribed a very strong treatment of several antibiotics that lasted 14 days.
This solved the problem. The H. pylori was gone, and he ate yogurt with live cultures every day for many weeks to replenish his intestinal flora.
He used to gobble down Tums, but not any more. He has no more heartburn and eats all the spicy foods he likes, even hot pepper sauce. We like it on almost everything except ice cream.
A. Helicobacter pylori bacteria (H. pylori) can cause ulcers and stomach cancer as well as less serious problems such as heartburn or bad breath. Barry Marshall, MD, and Robin Warren, MD, the Australian physicians who discovered that H. pylori are a major cause of ulcers, were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2005.