Q. I have lost my recipe for the gin and raisin procedure. I know that I need to soak the raisins in gin and take 10 to relive arthritis pain. How often do I do this and should the raisins be taken in the morning or the evening?
A. Put golden raisins in a dish and cover with gin. After the gin evaporates, eat 9 (not 10) raisins a day (morning or evening).
We are sending you our Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis with more details about the recipe for gin-soaked raisins and many FAQs to help you with this remedy.
Although the remedy sounds unbelievable, we have heard from innumerable readers who have found it helpful for sore joints. We don’t know quite why or how it works, but the cost is relatively low and there are only a few caveats. Anyone who is sensitive to sulfite preservatives needs to look for a different remedy. Golden raisins are treated with sulfites so that they preserve their light color. We also caution alcoholics to find a different treatment. Even though there is only one drop of alcohol in the daily dose of 9 raisins, that might be enough in some cases to present a problem.
Other remedies such as boswellia or turmeric, cherry juice or Certo (plant pectin) and grape juice may also be helpful. No one remedy works for everyone, but all of these are popular with many people.