Plantar warts appear on the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. Unlike warts elsewhere on the body, the surface of a plantar wart is usually flat. But because of the pressure on the sole as a person walks, a plantar wart can also be quite painful. No wonder the sufferer is likely to search for a plantar wart remedy!
Pineapple as a Plantar Wart Remedy:
Q. I have had success using fresh pineapple peel on a plantar wart. I applied the pineapple skin to the wart overnight with the fleshy fruit side toward the foot. I saved the peel in a plastic bag in the fridge so I could reapply it several nights in a row.
I found it easier to keep the pineapple skin in place with a callus cushion. I centered the plantar wart in the hole, fit the pineapple into that and covered it with a bandage. An added benefit: the fresh pineapple is delish!
A. We have heard about applying banana skin to warts, but this is the first time we have read that pineapple might be a beneficial plantar wart remedy. An ingredient in pineapple, bromelain, has both anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects, so there is a plausible mechanism of action.
Other Uses for Pineapple:
Some people tell us that pineapple is good for joint pain, as this reader did:
“I read on your website about pineapple for arthritis and it has certainly helped me. I eat a slice of fresh pineapple daily. Without the pineapple, I wake each day feeling every joint in my hands has been broken.”
Anyone who would like to learn more about pineapple, bromelain and other anti-inflammatory food and spices may find our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies, of value.
Those who are still searching for a remedy for a plantar wart may want to check our website for turmeric, lemon juice or cimetidine.
Revised 6/23/16