Flaxseed is rich in soluble fiber. One reader has found a way to utilize this property to prevent constipation:
“I purchase flaxseed in bulk at a health food store for about $1.50 per pound. I put three quarts of water on to boil, add two tablespoons of flax seed and simmer for fifteen minutes. Then I cool it and strain it into containers. (It makes just over two quarts.) With two ounces in my orange juice every morning, I am more than satisfied.”
Other readers have also pointed out that flaxseed is an ingredient in Uncle Sam’s Laxative Cereal, which may also be a helpful approach to constipation.
5/6/19 redirected to: https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/must-you-grind-flaxseed-to-get-its-nutritional-benefits/