Q. What can I do for a VERY itchy scalp? I have tried blue dandruff shampoo, but it didn’t help.
A. Some people report that soaking the scalp in milk of magnesia, apple cider vinegar or amber Listerine before shampooing helps calm the itch.
Dandruff shampoos can help this condition, but they may work best if they are rotated every few weeks from one type to another. It is important to leave dandruff shampoo on the scalp for at least five minutes before rinsing.
Many other tips on dealing with dandruff can be found in our Guide to Hair and Nail Care.
Many people report that stopping an antihistamine called cetirizine abruptly can lead to unbearable itching that lasts for a month to six weeks. If they can make it through that time without starting back on the drug, the itching fades away. Gradually tapering the dose or taking some extra vitamin C can help with this difficult situation.
It may also be helpful to ask a doctor to check the scalp. Sometimes an itchy scalp is caused by psoriasis and needs different treatment. Some people have reported that taking turmeric or cilantro can be very helpful against the itch and scaling of scalp psoriasis.