Q. Ever since I went on a low carb diet in 1964 (before Atkins) I have used only whole milk. When the government began advocating a low-fat diet, Americans became obese, because when you remove the fat from a product you have to add carbs to make it taste better.
My husband is a type 2 diabetic. When he took charge of his diet, he found that by eating very low carb and high fat his blood lipids improved and he lost weight. He can keep his blood sugar under control without insulin when he eats very low carb.
A. Contrary to conventional dietary advice, a recent meta-analysis of nutritional studies found no convincing connection between a diet high in saturated fat and an elevated risk of heart disease (Annals of Internal Medicine, March 18, 2014). This finding is controversial but seems in line with your family’s experience.
We offer advice on a low carb diet in our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies, published by National Geographic.